A g o r a concept store: Ένα σάιτ δημιουργημένο από μία δυναμική γυναίκα, για δυνατές γυναίκες.
A g o r a concept store. A website crafted by a dynamic woman, for strong women.
A g o r a is an online gallery that focuses on creations exclusively by women. Its main purpose is to present and promote women’s creations from around the world.
So let’s meet the founder and the site, in her own words.
She was raised in Athens by 3 women. Her grandmother, from which she learned to love long trips, apart spices by their smell (and perhaps overdoes it sometimes in pepper). Her mom, who introduced her to the charm of painting and Sunday promenades to museums and her sister, that Eve always admired for her long hair and simple but elegant taste – Eva learned to believe in female solidarity and support this bond.
“There exists a concept that women are competing among ourselves: which one has the most beautiful body, which will make the most fantastic dressing in the world, which has the most beautiful and successful partner / spouse, family etc.”
“But the truth finally is that, willingly or otherwise, we are both the same between us. We wake up with the same concerns, we face the same anxieties in our day, and we move with parallel thoughts about our future. I find that, by competing with your peers and not drawing good from this relationship, is just a waste of time and energy. “
Eve originally studied French literature at the University of Athens and then studied nutrition and personal training. She moved to Spain, Monaco, then Brussels.
“I think I always did what represented me in every phase of my life, weather it had to do with education or with travel and I feel very lucky about that.”
Along with her studies, Eva held two exibitions -one in painting and one in photograph. About two years ago she moved to Portugal and from there, in the midst of her Master on the “Art and Culture Management”, she talked to us about the Project Agora.
– Eve, what is the Agora?
– A go r a is an online concept store, which is flanked by three functions. Initially it is an online art gallery withcer amics, paintings, jewelry and home deco accessories.
All projects are designed and created by hand by women from all sides of the world. You can find ceramics made in New York, paintings from Japan, sculptures by a Portuguese artist, jewelry from Spain etc. Then, it is a store.
The store promotes vintage one pieces clothes, greek sandals and small treasures that I have found in several flea markets in Europe and in Morocco. I love very much the flea markets. I believe there is such magic when you get something that once had another owner, it is like it whispers you a story, that of the other owner.
It represents the journey to get to you, a traveling concept, which perfectly suits the concept of Agora. Finally, the new feature of Agora is the magazine. Every month we tribute to a woman artist who has won our attention because of her internal beauty, creativity and the style.
– How came the idea?
– Agora is essentially my diploma in my Masters in Arts Management. I was influenced mainly by a book “Is multiculturalism bad for women?” which describes the conditions which women around the world face: because of their color, their religion, their social or cultural position. The diversity is interesting but unfortunately it is frightening too.
The purpose of Agora then, is an attempt against discrimination. Α platform that gives to all women, regardless their background, equal opportunities, the same web site, the same conditions and at the same promoting of their work. Plus, the creation of a networking of women who share the same values: capacity, education, aesthetics, elegance, hard work and the spirit of cooperation, can only bring good results!
Importantly, Eva provides social work too, through the Site. A significant percentage of the sales goes to an NGO supporting practically women who have been victims of violence.
“Physical violence, unfortunately, originates to lack of education, lack of culture, and lack of education. Greece, like many other countries, has allowed this kind of behaviors. Since nearly 30% women have been victims of physical abuse, I think now we must talk openly about this issue. By giving a percentage of sales to NGO which supports women victims of abuse, was a way to address this issue and to remind that Greece has the tools to evolve – not to take a step back. ”
– What are your plans for next, after after you graduate?
– Definately they start with a holiday in Greece this summer. I can not wait to put my flippers in a bag, hug the most cool watermelon and go for camping somewhere very quietly, next to the most beautiful waters in the world, in Greece.
A G O R A concept store: official page, facebook page, instagram

“Νομίζω πως πάντα έκανα αυτό, που με εκπροσωπεί σε κάθε φάση της ζωής μου. Είτε είχε να κάνει με σπουδές, είτε με ταξίδια και νιώθω πολύ τυχερή γι’αυτό.”
Παράλληλα με τις σπουδές της, η Εύα πραγματοποίησε δύο εκθέσεις, μία ζωγραφικής και μία φωτογραφίας. Πριν από περίπου δυο χρόνια μετακόμισε στην Πορτογαλία, όπου εν μέσω του μεταπτυχιακού της πάνω στη “Διαχείριση Τέχνης και Πολιτισμού”, μας μίλησε για το Project Agora.
-Τι είναι Εύα το Αgora;

-Πως προέκυψε η ιδέα;

“Η σωματική βια, δυστυχώς, προέρχεται από έλλειψη παιδείας, έλλειψη κουλτούρας, και έλλειψη μόρφωσης. Η Ελλάδα, όπως και πολλές άλλες χώρες, έχει επιτρέψει αυτές τις συμπεριφορές. Σχεδόν το 30% των γυναικών έχουν υπάρξει θύματα σωματικής κακοποίησης. Έτσι, νομίζω πως πλέον πρέπει να μιλάμε ανοιχτά για αυτό το ζήτημα. Δωρίζοντας ένα ποσοστό των πωλήσεων σε Μ.Κ.Ο. που υποστηρίζει γυναίκες θύματα κακοποίησης, βρήκα έναν τρόπο να θίξω αυτό το ζήτημα. Θέλω να θυμίσω πως η Ελλάδα έχει τα εφόδια να εξελίσσεται- και όχι να κάνει ένα βήμα πίσω.”