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Αταραξία στα Εξάρχεια!

Μια ιδιαίτερη έκθεση έρχεται σύντομα στην Αθήνα!

Ο όρος αυτός σημαίνει την παντελή έλλειψη ταραχής, άγχους και στρες. Ισοδυναμεί με την γαλήνη, ηρεμία και την εξ αυτών απορρέουσα ευτυχία. Φιλοσοφικά τον όρο αυτό πρόβαλλαν ως ιδανικό ζωής τόσο ο Επίκουρος όσο και οι Σκεπτικοί φιλόσοφοι, οπαδοί του Πυρρωνισμού. (wiki)

Η έκθεση Ataraxia δείχνει την Ελλάδα που δεν ταράζεται για κανέναν. Φωτογραφίες από τον Riccardo Raspa και υπό την καλλιτεχνική επιμέλεια της Rini Giannaki.

Εγκαίνια το Σάββατο 6 Ιουλίου, Ιπποκράτους 132, Αθήνα.

Φωτογραφίες από Riccardo Raspa και υπό την καλλιτεχνική επιμέλεια της Rini Giannaki.

Ataraxia (ἀταραξία, literally, “unperturbedness”, generally translated as “imperturbability”, “equanimity”, or “tranquillity”) is a Greek philosophical term for a lucid state of robust equanimity that was characterized by ongoing freedom from distress and worry.

That rare thing; freedom from irrational fears. A state of impassiveness and a stress-free disposition considered to be true happiness by Epicureans, equally ancient and ‘accidentally’ current.

A self-fulfilled triptych for photographer Riccardo Raspa and art director Rini Giannaki during a summer long residency in the island of Sifnos following in the steps of island raised Epicurus; the philosopher to whom ironically every man is potentially an island.

For Epicurus mental tranquillity, the most exalted state of pleasure, is distinguished from the physical one by abstinence from unnecessary desires and by being content with simple things.

The project seeks to put to the test that pleasure principle by purposely contaminating this much desired unperturbed lifestyle with so-called iconic fashion beacons of a completely different gratification system.

Evidence in case, by melding together the distinct aesthetics of document and editorial photography, ATARAXIA manages to impregnate the naturally superficial with an unexpected sense of profundity in one perceivably pleasurable testimony.

ATARAXIA was shot in the island of Sifnos in Cyclades, Greece and was made possible by the kind and warm cooperation of the local characters featured.


Preview: 6th July, 6pm – 10pm @ SIILK GALLERY

Ippokratous 132, 114 72, Athens.

Drinks provided by Boutari. Beats by Blanda.


RICCARDO RASPA – Seeking to understand society in all its complex, mysterious and creative aspects, Riccardo Raspa is an Italian photographer whose practice is constantly informed by the need to find new stories everywhere he travels.

Often using his work as a way to explore different cultures, he believes in photography as a way to narrate the society we live in and discover new scenarios.

Characterised by a unique visual language, Riccardo’s work can easily shift from reportage to fashion: his photographic style is a contamination of the rawness of photojournalism with the delicacy of fashion editorials.

Riccardo is based in London, but you can find him everywhere in the world. His clients include Adidas, Mackintosh, MAHARISHI, Fendi, J.W. Anderson, and VICE among others.

Website | Instagram

RINI GIANNAKI – Is a full time art director and independent consultant specialising in creative development for fashion and lifestyle entities that are looking to go beyond the average in a platonic ‘swallow-the-sun’ kinda manner.

Greek raised and London based, her background is rooted in design and creative management while her actual day to day has branched out to include brand development and content curation.

2019 saw her realise her dream of becoming a book editor with two published photographic monograms.

She is currently working against the clock to fully launch her greco-centric studio Azür in 2020.


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